HP 推出智慧型手錶,但這款手錶並沒有科技味,反倒相當的時尚。

專門為女性市場推出,這款名為「Isaac Mizrahi」的智慧型手錶是由 HP 負責技術以及設計。

isaac mizrahi by hp

Isaac Mizrahi 是美國知名時裝設計師的名字,同時他也是位電視節目主持人以及 Xcel 品牌的創意總監;不過一般提到 Isaac Mizrahi,大家還是會把他與時尚混在一起。

Isaac Mizrahi has been a leader in the fashion industry for almost 30 years. Since his first collection in 1987, Mr. Mizrahi’s designs have come to stand for timeless, cosmopolitan style. He has been awarded four CFDA awards, including a special award in 1996 for the groundbreaking documentary “Unzipped.” In December 2009, Isaac launched his lifestyle collection, ISAACMIZRAHILIVE! on QVC. In addition, television audiences have come to value Isaac’s media presence through his roles on “Project Runway All Stars” for Lifetime and his own series for both Oxygen and the Style Network.

這款名為「Isaac Mizrahi」的智慧型手錶走的是女性時尚路線,與我們常見到的 Gear S2、Huawei Watch 或是 Zen Watch 有很大的不同。42mm 的不鏽鋼比阿面上擁有許多史瓦洛奇水球,而在錶面內的 OLED 面板讓這款手錶多了些科技味道。

除了 OLED 面板外,這款手錶透過藍牙與 iOS 或是 Android 裝置進行連結。


「Isaac Mizrahi」智慧型手錶還擁有 3 個大氣壓力的防水能力,以及長達 5 天的使用時間;不過,「Isaac Mizrahi」沒有 GPS、心跳偵測、以及觸控螢幕功能。

由 HP 負責設計的「Isaac Mizrahi」智慧型手錶建議售價為 249.99 美元,擁有銀與金雙色供選擇。