
AMD 再有人事異動,這次是 Graphics Business Unit 的資深副總裁兼總經理 Scott Herkelman。

Scott Herkelman 較早之前在其 Twitter(現稱 X 平台)宣布,他將會在 2023 年底離開 AMD,而我們也伴隨著他經歷過 3 個產品世代(RDNA、RNDA 2 與 RDNA 3),總計 7 年的時間。加入 AMD 之前,Scott Herkelman 曾是 NVIDIA GeForce 的總經理,在 2016 年加入 AMD,並於 2022 年提拔為資深副總裁。

後續,將由 Jack Huynh 接手 Graphics Business Unit,也就意味著整個 AMD 消費性產品都歸 Jack 掌管,其中包含了 Client Computing、Semi Custom 以及最新的 Graphics Business Unit。

在 Scott Herkelman 的 Twitter 如是提到:

“After seven years at AMD and launching three increasingly competitive generations of RDNA graphics architectures, I have decided to leave AMD at the end of this year.

Godspeed @amdradeon

I will miss every single one of you, fighting shoulder to shoulder in the trenches together, the excitement we shared during new product launches, and the joy of being in the arena for this wonderful, vibrant industry.

May you continue to punch above your weight class and one day… beat the final boss.”
