如果沒有意外,AMD 正在計畫推出萬用的顯示卡外接設備。

AMD 技術行銷 Robert Hallock 在個人 Facebook 上公佈了一些有關於 Gaming 市場的資訊。Robert 認為 Gaming Notebook 看起來相當適合 Gaming,但外出攜帶時,往往大家都想要一台輕薄的筆記型電腦。


特別是 30 – 40 歲的玩家群,他們會願意放棄一台 Gaming Notebook;也或者有些人願意放棄 mITX 主機,特別當輕薄筆記型電腦能夠滿足需求時。

Alright, let’s have some Real Talk™ about gaming on the go. Gaming notebooks are great for gaming, but nobody in their right mind wants to carry one all the time. Ultrathin notebooks are awesome to carry, but nobody in their right mind would confuse one for a gaming notebook.
But there’s still a HUGE appetite for thin notebooks that can game. I also bet there’s a bunch of gamers out there who, as they get into their 30s and 40s, wouldn’t mind condensing their entire computing life down into one device that does it all. I ALSO bet that some people wouldn’t mind giving up an mITX LAN rig if their notebook had the potential to serve that role with gusto.
External GPUs are the answer. External GPUs with standardized connectors, cables, drivers, plug’n’play, OS support, etc.
More info very soon.

Robert 最後強調,外接 GPU 將是所有問題的答案,而標準的連接埠、線材、驅動、Plug n Play 以及作業系統支援等等。都將在未來來到,所以敬請期待。


相較於 AMD 的動作,NVIDIA GeForce 其實在上一版本的驅動已經開始支援外接顯示卡熱插拔功能。現階段,Razer、MSI、Dell Alienware 以及 ASUS 都有產品開始或是準備在市場上推出,但大家仍未有一個共同標準。好比是 Razer Core 採用 Thunderbolt 3,MSI GS30 的 Gaming Dock 則是透過 PCIe 金手指,而 Alienware 的 Graphics Amplifier 則是使用特殊線材。

當然這並不意味著 AMD 會在硬體方面自己來執行,更有可能是透過合作夥伴以及驅動方面下手。或許,3 月中旬的 GDC 將會有更多答案出現。
