Broadcom 想吃下 Qualcomm 這場鬧劇暫時已經算結束了。
在美國總統 Donald Trump 簽署總統令禁止 Broadcom 併購 Qualcomm 後,Broadcom 稍早釋出新聞稿宣布終止收購 Qualcomm 提案,並撤回 Qualcomm 股東會議中的獨立董事候選人提名。
Broadcom 在新聞稿中強調對此結果感到失望,但公司會遵守該命令,並完成總部遷往美國的所有註冊程序;以下是聲明稿內容全文:
Although we are disappointed with this outcome, Broadcom will comply with the Order. Broadcom will continue to move forward with its redomiciliation process and will hold its Special Meeting of Stockholders as planned on March 23, 2018.
Broadcom’s Board of Directors and management team sincerely appreciate the significant support we received from the Qualcomm and Broadcom stockholders throughout this process.
Broadcom thanks the independent nominees who stood for election to the Qualcomm board, not only for their time and effort but also for their unwavering commitment to act in the best interests of Qualcomm stockholders.
Broadcom appreciates the following statement from U.S. Treasury Secretary and CFIUS chair Steven Mnuchin on March 12: “This decision is based on the facts and national security sensitivities related to this particular transaction only and is not intended to make any other statement about Broadcom or its employees, including its thousands of hard working and highly skilled U.S. employees.”
這場併購案以如此結果收場,完全跌破所有媒體、分析師以及業內人士的眼鏡。未來,Broadcom 正式成為所謂真正的美商之後,是否會再對 Qualcomm 展開另一次併購案,這似乎又會是另一個有趣的議題。