
在接受媒體 HardwareLuxx 訪問時確認,Intel 證實 Xe 架構將會區分為獨立顯示卡與內建顯示(iGPU)等 2 種方案。

Tom Petersen 這位 Intel Fellow 在接受 HardwareLuxx 訪問時提到,接下來 Intel Xe 架構將會有 LPG 與 HPG 產品,而這個決定主要是 Intel 認為必須對這兩個不同市場需求的產品進行差異化與優化所致。

目前,代號 Alchemist 的 Intel Xe 架構已經有 HPC(Data Center)、LP(Low Power)與 HPG(Gaming)等應用產品。

另一方面,Tom Petersen 也確認代號為「Battlemage」架構的 Intel Xe2 產品將會有 LPG 與 HPG 產品線,而這些產品將會針對 iGPU 或者是獨立顯示卡進行優化。

There is a Xe and there is a Xe 2 and in that Xe 2 generation there is a Xe-LPG and there is a HPG (…) and there a slight variations (…) which is our big learning. The idea was we needed to optimize for each segment and build separate chips and do separate verifications. And I think now the real learning is we would be better off concentrating our focus and really thinking of it like a really solidly, hard IP business.

But it’s a tough thing, because if you know that your are going into the data center, you know that you are going desktop discrete and you know you are going be integrated – they all have slightly different ways to optimize. And that’s what we’ve done a much much better job going forward. We are learning to refrain from overly customizing IP because that proliferates QA and verification and really bloats the work to be done.

— Tom Petersen, Intel

此外,從過去的資訊我們可以知道 Intel Meteor Lake 在 Performance Cores(P-Cores)與 Efficient Core(E-Cores)分別會採用 Redwood Cove 和 Crestmont 處理器架構,以及 Xe-LPG GPU 架構。對於 Intel 處理器來說,這將會是一個相當大的轉變。

至於 Xe2-LPG GPU 架構很大的可能會是用在 Lunar Lake。

加入 Intel Xe GPU 架構會讓人相當開心,這有助於拉近與 AMD Ryzen 處理器的 iGPU 表現,但實際上是否能滿足消費者需求,還有待後續觀察。.