從實體活動變更為線上活動,再從線上活動變為新聞稿發佈,NVIDIA GTC 2020 最終的下場是不會有任何資訊公佈。

雖然 NVIDIA 預計在 GTC 2020 有重大消息要跟全世界分享,但因為 COVID-19 病毒疫情的關係,讓他們覺得現在並不是發表的最佳時間點,因此在美國時間 3 月 16 日釋出新聞稿,宣布美國時間 3 月 24 日將不會公佈任何新品資訊或是公司未來規劃,這也就意味著早前提到的新聞稿以及投資者電話會議都將被迫取消。

屈指一算,這已經是 NVIDIA 針對 GTC 2020 釋出的第 4 則訊息更新;以下為 NVIDIA 針對 GTC 2020 在 3 月 16 日釋出的原文:

We have exciting products and news to share with you.

But this isn’t the right time. We’re going to hold off on sharing our GTC news for now.

That way, our employees, partners, the media and analysts who follow us, and our customers around the world can focus on staying safe and reducing the spread of the virus.

We will still stream tons of great content from researchers and developers who have prepared great talks.

This is a time to focus on our family, our friends, our community. Our employees are working from home. Many hourly workers will not need to work but they’ll all be fully paid.

Stay safe everyone. We will get through this together.
