Intel 在台灣時間 1 月 31 日公佈 2024 財政年度第 4 季度以及全年的財務報告,我們就不管其內容如何,但作為 Intel 臨時聯合執行長兼產品事業部執行長,Michelle Johnston 在 CEO / CFO 法說會上揭露了一些公司接下來的產品規劃。
其中,在 Data Center 方面(DCAI),原先規劃接替 Habana Gaudi 產品線的 Falcon Shores,後續會繼續在 Intle 內部進行測試,但原計劃在 2025 推出市場的規劃已確認取消。
Falcon Shores 原計劃接替 Rialto Ridge,但在 Falcon Shores 取消之後,Michelle Johnston 確認 Falcon Shores 後續會由 Jaguar Shores 接替;Jaguar Shores 將專注在 AI 運算為目的的資料中心。
Based on industry feedback, we plan to leverage Falcon Shores as an internal test chip only without bringing it to market. This will support our efforts to develop a system-level solution at rack scale with Jaguar Shores to address the AI data center.
跟著在消費性市場(CCG)部分,採用 Intel 18A 的 Panther Lake 將維持在 2025 下半年推出的計劃。
Looking ahead to the rest of the year, we will strengthen our client roadmap with the launch of Panther Lake, our lead product on Intel 18A, in the second half of 2025. As the first volume customer of Intel 18A, I see the progress that Intel Foundry is making on performance and yields. And I look forward to being in production in the second half as we demonstrate the benefits of our world-class design and process technology capabilities.
2026 is even more exciting from a client perspective as Panther Lake achieves meaningful volumes and we introduce our next-generation client family code-named Nova Lake. Both will provide strong performance across the entire PC stack with significantly better cost and margin for us, enhancing our competitive position and reinforcing our value proposition to our partners and customers.
至於 2026 年除了 Panther Lake 將進入大規模量產外,Intel 也會推出新一代桌上型與筆記型電腦用的 Nova Lake 平台。換句話說,桌上型電腦用處理器在 2025 年將沒有任何更新,我們會繼續見到代號 Arrow Lake 的 Intel Core Ultra 2 系列處理器在市場上販售。
Intel 18A 製程除了運用在 Panther Lake 外,同時還有 Clearwater Forest 將導入。