
距離 AMD 早前新聞稿提到的 7 月還有數天,但 Zen 3 架構的 Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5000WX 系列似乎已經在中國市場上販售。

根據 Hoang Anh Phu 的 Twitter 資訊,Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5995WX、5975WX 以及 5965WX 已經開始有報價,其價格分別是 47,000、24,000 以及 17,200 人民幣,若是換算美金則是 7,029、3,589 和 2,572 美元;AMD 尚未給出官方建議售價。

6 月 30 日更新 MSRP:

AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5995WX SEP is $6,499
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5975WX SEP is $3,299
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5965WX SEP is $2,399

針對零售通路與特定 SI 開賣的 3 款處理器分別是 64 核心 128 執行緒、32 核心 64 執行緒和 24 核心 48 執行緒,至於 16 核心 32 執行緒的 5955WX 與 12 核心 24 執行緒的 5945WX 並沒有在販售名單中。也許,AMD 是考量到 Ryzen Threadripper PRO 的產品定位,所以才不將較低核心數的產品在零售市場上販售。

Threadripper processors have always been a platform that is defined by leadership performance and capability which enables unlimited creative potential. Examining what our most demanding enthusiasts and content creators value most in the platform has led us to unify the Threadripper and Threadripper PRO product lines. Going forward, the Threadripper platform will now use a single “common infrastructure.” This means there will be one set of Threadripper PRO processors to choose from, with one CPU socket and chipset, and every processor will be based on AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO silicon. This also means that all Threadripper processors will natively offer: 128 lanes of PCIe® Gen 4, 8-channel UDIMM and RDIMM support for more flexible memory configurations, massive L3 cache, plus the benefit of security and manageability features common across the Ryzen PRO processor family. Impressive hardware specs like these are a large part of why Threadripper processors are trusted for enthusiasts and professional creators.

就 AMD 在其部落格提到的資訊,未來 AMD 會把更多核心數、PCIe 通道與記憶體通道的產品中心擺放在 Ryzen Threadripper PRO 系列上,而這也許意味著 Ryzen Threadripper 將走入歷史。