中間已經過去好幾個月,且各大主機板廠對 Intel 的作法…

Intel 13th 與 14th Gen 桌上型處理器不穩定事件一直持續在網路上發酵,Intel 則是在美國時間 7 月 23 日在官方論壇上發出正式聲明,希望在 8 月中可以透過 microcode 更新來解決問題。

Based on extensive analysis of Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors returned to us due to instability issues, we have determined that elevated operating voltage is causing instability issues in some 13th/14th Gen desktop processors. Our analysis of returned processors confirms that the elevated operating voltage is stemming from a microcode algorithm resulting in incorrect voltage requests to the processor.

Intel is delivering a microcode patch which addresses the root cause of exposure to elevated voltages. We are continuing validation to ensure that scenarios of instability reported to Intel regarding its Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors are addressed. Intel is currently targeting mid-August for patch release to partners following full validation.

Intel is committed to making this right with our customers, and we continue asking any customers currently experiencing instability issues on their Intel Core 13th/14th Gen desktop processors reach out to Intel Customer Support for further assistance.

聲明中提到 Intel 內部針退回的 13th 與 14th Gen 系列處理器進行分析,確定了不穩定的原因來自於提高的工作電壓所致(evalated operating voltage),而該原因是因為 microcode 演算法不正確導致。

因此,Intel 將會提供 microcode 更新用以解決處理器工作電壓被提升的問題。

沒有意外的話,Intel 會在 8 月中旬釋出相關 microcode 更新讓合作夥伴進行驗證,並以最快的速度釋出新版本的主機板 BIOS 讓使用者進行更新。

另一方面,Intel 官方在 Reddit 社群上也同步確認通孔氧化(Via Oxidation)製程問題,但相關事件發生在 2023 年,且對於處理器不穩定沒有任何關聯性。

Intel 官方雖然已經公開確認 13th 與 14th Gen 系列桌上型處理器因 microcode 演算法造成工作電壓提升問題發生,但這一切仍需待各主機板廠後續驗證,以及使用者更新後體驗方能感受是否有所改善,但這一來一往之間,那個 Arrow Lake-S 就要出來了。