如果有印象的話,應該還記得中國科技公司對 Opera 提出收購一案。

在 2 月農曆年期間,中國科技公司奇虎 360 與昆侖萬維提供出收購,計劃以 12 億美元買下 Opera,不過目前這筆交易已經被主管機關擋下。


原先預計在 7 月 15 日將完成交易,然而在交易日前,這筆交易並未獲得所有主管機關同意。

We will not comment on specifics, but in general we can say that they were not able to get all regulatory approvals before the Drop Dead Date, which was 15th July.

Instead of the original deal, we have received and accepted an offer from the consortium to buy certain parts of our consumer business. The consortium will buy our mobile browser (including operator co-brand solutions), the desktop browser, the performance and privacy apps, Skyfire Rocket Optimizer, the technology licensing business outside of Opera TV, and our ownership in the Chinese joint venture nHorizon.

在舊有方案被主管機關擋下後,現在奇虎 360 與昆侖萬維則是計畫買下 Opera 消費者事業。Opera 除了消費者事業外,同時還有電視事業與廣告事業。全新提案已經獲得 Opera 董事會批准,至於是否獲得主管機關同意,最快可能要第三季末才會揭曉。
